5 Beauty Benefits of Yarrow

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Yarrow is mostly native to the temperate regions of the world, like the Northern Hemisphere: North America, Asia, and Europe. Yarrow is an herb and has beautiful little white disk flowers. It has a strong, sweet scent that makes it a great essential oil. Yarrow can be used for so many different things, due to its many properties. Here are five reasons this little perennial packs a big, beautiful punch to your beauty routine.

Natural Astringent
Yarrow is one the world's most powerful natural astringents. It shrinks the skin and promotes skin healing. It is definitely helpful to those who suffer from oily skin, acne, and scarring, as it controls sebum production. It also maintains skin's PH and tightens the skin, which helps prevent skin from early sagging. We suggest trying out Yarrow Beauty Balm: It's great when used as overnight treatment for fine lines. Make sure your skin is completely cleansed before applying it, then add it anywhere your skin needs some revitalization.

Yarrow is anti-inflammatory by nature, especially the essential oil. That makes it great for treating any redness found on the skin, or swollen spots. This makes it helpful to people who suffer from acne, rosacea, or even eczema. We recommend trying our Yarrow Beauty Serum: Just apply a few drops to freshly cleaned skin a few nights a week. You can use this oil on both the face and body safely.

Yarrow is antiseptic as well, meaning it protects wounds from being septic and exposed to other bacterial, fungal or viral infections. Also, it helps in reduction of fungal problems, skin rashes, cystic acne, and pimples. If you have any scars from pimples, boils, or acne, yarrow will help cure them. We recommend combining our Yarrow Floral Toner + Body Mist with the Yarrow Beauty Balm for the best results. Use the toner before applying the balm: It will balance your skin's PH levels, offer refreshment, and speed any wound/scar healing up. Then, the balm will lock in moisture and reinforce the toner's work.

An emollient has the power to soften and soothe the skin. Yarrow is definitely an emollient! It will not dry out your skin, but instead nourish it. We recommend trying our Yarrow Beauty Balm if you want the ultimate moisturizing, smoothening experience. It does not contain any yarrow essential oil, only the yarrow leaves and flowers. This makes it ideal for sensitive skin that's also very dry. Just apply it anywhere that needs some extra hydration or nourishment.

Boosts Hair Growth
If you want longer or thicker hair, yarrow may be able to help. It's great for promoting hair growth, and especially useful for treating oily hair and scalp condition. We recommend using the Yarrow Beauty Serum: Try adding 4 to 5 drops of it to the Herbal Shampoo and apply it to your scalp. It will refresh your hair and scalp, while also encouraging new growth at the same time.

By Ariana Palmieri... a green beauty blogger who strives to live as eco-friendly as possible. In July 2015 she started her blog, Greenify-Me, to document her own journey with eco-friendly products, makeup, and the environment. The site features beauty product reviews, natural DIYs, healthy recipes, and more.

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