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DIY Salve

Publié par love love le

Make Your Own Healing + Moisturizing Salve

A salve, also known as a balm, consists of oil (known as a carrier oil) and wax. A carrier oil can be anything from olive oil, coconut oil to hemp seed oil and sunflower seed. You can also infused the oil with herbs and add essential oils. (I originally posted some of this info on my older website, probably 3.0 version, so hence the sweet retro intro banner pic.)

Here is a small run down of benefits of herbs in slave form:

chamomile salve - inflammation & puffiness

comfrey salve - add wheat germ oil & e for minor wounds and burns, mends cuts & cuticles

rosemary salve - sores, eczema, burns, wounds, rheumatism

juniper balm - wounds, sore muscles, bruises, arthritis, not recommended during pregnancy

pokeroot salve - tumors and skin eruptions

vervain salve - wound and ulcer healer

violet salve - chronic skin complaints

gotu gotu salve - eczema

hyssop salve - helps heal scars, disperse bruise, help sore sores

birch - skin irritations, minor wounds & pain

eucalyptus salve - antiseptic

thyme salve - depression, muscle pain, colds

yarrow balm - eczema, wound healer, varicose veins

marshamllow salve - weathered skin

lemongrass salve - anti septic, ance, muscles, improves circulation

neem salve - for skin complaints

arnica salve - speeds healing, improves local blood supply

cardamom salve - digestive pain

fir balm - for chest complaints

st johns - tissue repair, wounds burns

elderflower salve - chapped skin

peppermint salve - irritated skin

sassafras salve - wounds, poison ivy & oak

Want to know how to make a salve? Here are some basic instructions:

(from pg.115 of my book!!)


pint size heat safe jar, olive oil, 1/3 amount wax (beeswax or plant wax) of oil amount, enough herbs (beneficial for topical use) to fill 1/2 jar, essential oils, cooking pot, stove (or hot plate), mini jars/tins.


1. Place a pot of water on the stove + bring temperature to med-low.

2. Fill jar with oil about 1/2 up + place jar in pot.

3. Add enough calendula flowers (or beneficial topical herbs such as chamomile, lavender, comfrey, purple loosestrife, roses) to fill oil space.

4. Leave jar slightly covered (to prevent dust and keep naturally occurring essential oil vapors that might escape in) on stove low temp. for 2 hrs.

5. Strain herbs out, then put oil in jar back in the pot.

6. Add about 1/3 wax to the total oil amount.

7. Let the wax melt, you can even turn the heat up.

8. Give a little stir.

9. Do a test by dipping a spoon in the mix then place it in the freezer for a minute. Pull it out to reveal the salve consistency. Or just drop a bit on a surface and let harden. You might need to add more oil or wax.

10. Get your jars or tins ready. Add a drop or two of essential oil in these jars or tins. Take salve off heat.

10. Pour salve into the containers. Let sit for about 15 fifteen min to set.

First salve? Store in fridge for longest shelf life and/or use dry plants instead of fresh. The more you make salves the better they will become. Essential oils like lavender and rosemary help with natural preservation.


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