I hope you all enjoy this special sale! The coupon code is JARZ, active July 13th - 17th. Everything is on sale! I rarely have theze epic ones... here are some really cool moments from the Spring:

Lilac Lip Balm is so epically beautiful. It's so cool to have been creating these products for over 10 years and it only keeps getting better.

Growing roses is one of my favorite things. Every rose is so incredibly special you can literally feel it's existence. I wish I could post scents like pictures and words, but you can experience them! Theze roses are infused in so many Plant Makeup creations, like the Garden Rose Lip Dream Gloss.

Dragon Fruit Lip Gloss is truly avant garde. The complexity of this fruit is out of this world, experiencing it as a lip balm is like going to another planet. I'm not sure what that is like, but my pop star persona does.

Things just can't get any wilder than the Skin Fertilizer Balm, truly experimental beauty - why not grow your body hair everywhere?
