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asteroid belt / object 41

Prix régulier $24.00

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Specimen 41:

asteroid belt

there are near-earth asteroids and trojan asteroids, but the main asteroid belt is located approximately between jupiter and mars. in total mass of a comparable 3% of the moon, the four largest asterois ceres, hygiea, pallas and vesta contain 60% of the asteroid belt's mass! the only dwarf planet in this mass is ceres 950km large and everything else besides the other three asteroids mentioned above ranges all the way to the size of a dust particle. jupiter gravitational orbital energy is the cause of all these objects or planetesimals not being able to turn into other planets. the kirkwood gap is responsible for these failed planet objects to sometimes leave the asteroid belt and find their way to other orbits or collisions. lines are becoming more and more blurred about the classification of asteroids and comets because water vapor was actually discovered on ceres, which is usually an attribute of comets.

elemental layers -

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uses – makeup gloss for lips, cheeks, eye lids and body. please read through ingredient lists thoroughly for each formula included if you have any allergies.

this purchase includes a 1/2oz (14ml) metal tin with asteroid belt.

each Plant Makeup object is one of a kind. all sales for objects are final.

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